ERA The Academy of European Law (ERA) provides training to legal practitioners in European criminal justice cooperation and in other areas of European law. It was established in 1992 on the initiative of the European Parliament as a non-profit public foundation.
Europol Europol is the European Union's Law Enforcement Agency which aims at improving the effectiveness and co-operation of the competent authorities in the Member States in preventing and combating terrorism, unlawful drug trafficking and other serious forms of international organised crime.
UNODC The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices.
EJN in civil and commercial matters The network consists of representatives of the Member States' judicial and administrative authorities for cooperation as regards civil and commercial law. The main objective is to make life easier for people facing litigation of whatever kind where there is a transnational element - i.e. where it involves more than one Member State.
Ibero-American Network of International Legal Cooperation The Ibero-American Network of International Legal Cooperation (IberRed, created in 2004) is a cooperation tool in civil and criminal matters, made available for all legal agents from the 22 Ibero-American countries and the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico¹.
Network of contact points in respect of persons responsible for genocide and crimes against humanity The European Network of Contact Points in respect of responsible for the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes (‘the Genocide Network’) is a body established by the Council of the EU (Council Decisions 2002/494/JHA and 2003/335/JHA).
Network of Judicial international cooperation of the Portuguese speaking countries (Rede judiciaria da CPLP) The Network of judicial international cooperation of the Portuguese speaking countries (Rede Judiciária da CPLP, RJCPLP, created in 2005) was established by the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Portuguese speaking Countries.
Commonwealth Network of Contact persons The Commonwealth Network of Contact Persons (CNCP, created in 2007) was established to improve and enhance international assistance and cooperation in criminal cases through facilitating international co-operation in criminal cases between the Commonwealth Member States.
Moroccan Judicial network for international cooperation (MJNIC) The Moroccan Judicial network for international cooperation (MJNIC), is a group of magistrates, judges and public prosecutors, with special expertise in international legal cooperation.
European Judicial Cybercrime Network The European Judicial Cybercrime Network (EJCN) is a network of prosecutors and investigative judges specialised in cybercrime, cyber-enabled crime and criminal investigations in cyberspace.
The European Judicial Network The European Judicial Network in criminal matters (EJN) is a network of national contact points for the facilitation of judicial cooperation in criminal matters.
Great Lakes Judicial Cooperation Network Combating impunity is key to ending cycles of violence in the Great Lakes region.
SEAJust Network Established in March 2020, the South East Asia Justice Network (SEAJust) is a UNODC supported judicial cooperation network that serves as an informal platform facilitating direct contact and communication between central authorities for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Eurojust Eurojust is an agency of the European Union established in 2002. Eurojust stimulates and improves the coordination of investigations and prosecutions and the cooperation between the competent authorities in the Member States.
Network of National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams The Network of National Experts on Joint Investigation Teams (JITs Network) was established in July 2005, implementing the ‘Hague Programme’.
European Union Agency for fundamental rights FRA is the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights based in Vienna (Austria). FRA was set up to provide independent evidence-based assistance and expertise relating to fundamental rights.