The EJCN was established by Council Conclusion of 9 June 2016 (10025/16) with the objective of facilitating the exchange of expertise and best practice, enhancing cooperation between the competent judicial authorities when dealing with cybercrime, cyber-enabled crime and investigations in cyberspace, and fostering dialogue to ensure the rule of law in cyberspace. The EJCN meets twice a year at the Eurojust premises in The Hague. Members of the EJCN contribute to the network’s meetings and other activities based on their professional expertise and experience. The Council of the European Union, the European Commission, Eurojust, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre and the European Judicial Network are observers to the EJCN.
Eurojust is tasked with providing support to the network, which involves organising meetings, maintaining the restricted access website of the network, facilitating the day-to-day activities of the Board, and assisting in the implementation of the EJCN’s work programme. Continuity in the activities is monitored by an informal Presidency Board. The correspondence email address for the EJCN is
Members of the EJCN
For a list of the EJCN Members, please consult the Cooperation with third countries and judicial networks section (list available only to the EJN Contact Points).