Annual meeting of REDCOOP in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

From 25 to 27 June, Hugh Dockry, Head of the EJN Secretariat, attended the Annual General meeting of REDCOOP (Red de Cooperatión Penal), the network for cooperation in criminal matters of the Ibero-American Association of Prosecutors (Asociatión Ibero Americana de Minesterios Públicos), AIAMP, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference, sponsored by the UNODC, brought together delegates from Europe, South and Central America to discuss the optimisation of REDCOOP and to agree on its future enhancement. Further to this meeting, the EJN and AIAMP will work towards drafting a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure improved collaboration and closer contacts between the two entities and consequently to enhance operational cooperation.

Hugh met with:

Borja Jimenez Munoz, EL PACcTO’s Key Expert for international cooperation and standards

Diego Solerno, Coordinator for REDCOOP at Buenos Aires

Francisco Jimenez-Villarejo, EJN National Correspondent for Spain and Secretary of AIAMP, and Joana Ferreira, EJN Contact Point for Portugal and Portuguese Representative for Portugal at REDCOOP.