On 4 October 2023, the 15th National Correspondents’ meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN), under the Spanish Presidency, took place at Eurojust premises.
The participants received feedback on the EJN-Eurojust Presidencies meeting of 3 October as well as an extensive update of the EJN Activities 2023 and planning for 2024/2025, a state of play on the EJN Working Groups and a follow-up to the 9th round for mutual evaluations and peer evaluations.
On their part, the National Correspondents provided updates from their respective Member State in the area of judicial cooperation.
Also on the agenda were: the nomination of an EJN Contact Point within the EPPO, the state of play on the EJN cooperation with Western Balkans and the novelties on the EJN Reporting Tool and the EJN Website.
The conclusions of the meeting will be published on the restricted area of the EJN website.