Grenoble, France - 21 and 22 November 2019
ECLAN is pleased to share with you its event organised in collaboration with the CESICE (Centre d'Etudes sur la Sécurité Internationale et les Coopérations Européennes) attached to the Grenoble Alpes University.
Two years after the adoption of the Regulation establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and in the wake of the inauguration of this new body of the European Union, it seems to be the opportunity to reflect on the measures taken for its implementation and on the challenges of this unprecedented legal creation.
The conference will focus on:
The challenges of the creation of a centralized European Public Prosecutor’s Office
• Context and main difficulties encountered
• Challenges regarding the principle of subsidiarity
• The benefits of enhanced cooperation
The originality of this new body
• Leading a unified criminal policy in the effort to fight fraud against the financial interests of the European Union
• Recognition of enforcement powers, first EU operational power in the penal field
• The degree of independence of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
The necessary interactions
• With national authorities
• With other EU actors (Eurojust, Europol, OLAF)
• With the member states of the EU that do not participate in the European Public Prosecutor’s Office
• With Third Countries
Control on the European Public Prosecutor
• Judicial review
• Parliamentary review
The challenges concerning fundamental rights
• Respect of rights of defense
• Respect of the protection of personal data
Future developments
• To what extent is the European Public Prosecutor’s Office a final outcome or a departing point of the European criminal justice system?
• Extension of material competence of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, particularly in the fight against terrorism
• Absorbance of Eurojust by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office?
The event will take place on November 21st (afternoon) and 22nd (full day) in the IMAG Auditorium of the Grenoble Alpes University. The discussions will take place in French and English, without translation being provided.
A detailed programme is available here.
To register, here.