BACKGROUND – Evaluation of the Environmental Crime Directive
DG Justice is currently evaluating the Environmental Crime Directive - Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 ( on the protection of the environment through criminal law - and whether it has achieved its objectives. In the light of the results, it will be decided if some follow-up or revision is required.

The Directive requires EU Member States to treat certain activities that damage the environment as criminal offences, for instance trading endangered species, destroying protected habitats, producing, manufacturing or handling nuclear materials or any other radioactive substances, and excessive water, air or soil pollution.

THE ONLINE QUESTIONNAIRE - on how the Environmental Crime Directive has performed
In order to support this evaluation, Milieu and ICF are conducting a targeted stakeholder consultation on behalf of DG Justice, including an online questionnaire and interviews, aimed at gathering information and the views of stakeholders on how the Environmental Crime Directive has performed.

You can answer to the questionnaire on the following link:


Grateful if you could dedicate a bit of your time to filling in the questionnaire by the 30 November 2019.

Milieu Consulting SPRL
Chaussée de Charleroi 112  |  Brussels 1060 | Belgium
