Bibliotecă judiciară
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 29 martie 2023 by Secretariatul RJE
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ŢaraEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
AT   Austria Implemented   1 iun. 2020 -

Federal Law Gazette I No. 20/2020

BE   Belgia Implemented   1 sept. 2016 -

Ministerial order of July 19, 2016 establishing the nomenclature of points for services performed by lawyers in charge of partially or completely free second-line legal aid (M.B. 10/08/2016).

BG   Bulgaria Implemented   26 ian. 2019 -

Legal Aid Act; the Criminal Procedure Code; the Ministry of interior Act; the Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act; the Customs Act; the State Agency for National Security Act; the Bar Act.

CY   Cipru Implemented   21 mai 2019 -

Ratification Laws 71(I)/2019 and Law 72(I)/2019

HR   Croatia Implemented   1 aug. 2019 -

Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union

DK   Danemarca   - ---
EE   Estonia Implemented   28 mai 2019 -

Code of Criminal Procedure

State Legal Aid Act

Bar Association Act

FI   Finlanda Implemented   ---
FR   Franta Implemented   -

Criminal Procedure Code; Law No. 91-647 of July 10, 1991 relating to legal aid; Decree n ° 2005-790 of July 12, 2005 relating to the rules of ethics of the legal profession

DE   Germania Implemented   11 dec. 2019 -

Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Rechts der notwendigen Verteidigung vom 10.12.2019 (BGBl. I, 2128 ff.)

GR   Grecia   - ---
IE   Irlanda   - ---
IT   Italia Implemented   10 apr. 2019 -

Legislative Decree 7.3.2019 n. 24

LV   Letonia Implemented   -

Entered into force with the amendments in the Criminal Procedure Law of the 27.09.2018.

LT   Lituania Implemented   19 mai 2021 ---
LU   Luxemburg   - ---
MT   Malta Implemented   7 apr. 2020 -

Act XVIII of 2020

NL   Olanda Implemented   25 mai 2019 -

Legal Aid Act and Code of Criminal Procedure

PL   Polonia Implemented   ---
PT   Portugalia Implemented   -

Law 34/2004 of 29 July 2004, establishing the regime of access to law and courts

Law 65/2003 of 23 August 2003, which proves the legal regime of the European Arrest Warrant

Code of Criminal Procedure

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
CZ   Republica Ceha Implemented   24 apr. 2019 -

Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (in consolidated version) 

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Implementation has been completed by Act No. 111/2019 Coll. by amending the Act No. 104/2013 Coll, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters.

RO   România Implemented   26 mar. 2021 -

Criminal proceedings code

Law 51/2021, supplementing and amending Law 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

SK   Slovacia Implemented   1 iul. 2018 -


SI   Slovenia Implemented   26 iun. 2021 -

Implemented with the Act on changes and supplementation of the Cooperation in Criminal Matters with the Member States of the European Union Act 8ZSKZDČEU-1C) (Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/21)

ES   Spania Implemented   2 iul. 2018 ---
SE   Suedia Implemented   1 mai 2019 -

Code of Judicial Procedure, the Act on Surrender from Sweden According to the European Arrest Warrant and the Act on Surrender from Sweden According to the Nordic Arrest Warrant.

HU   Ungaria Implemented   25 mai 2019 -

2005 CXXXV. Act on Assistance to Victims of Crime and State Compensation, 2012 CLXXX. Act on Criminal Cooperation with the Member States of the European Union and 2007 CLI. Act amending certain laws relating to legal aid.

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