Bibliotecă judiciară
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 10 iulie 2024 by Secretariatul RJE
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ŢaraEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
AT   Austria Implemented   10 oct. 2012 ---
BE   Belgia Implemented   25 apr. 2014 -

Law of 19 December 2003 concerning the European Arrest Warrant; Law of 5 August 2006 concerning the application of the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decision in criminal matters between the Member States of the EU; Law of 15 May 2012 concerning the application of the principle of mutual recognition to custodial sentences or measures imposed in a member state of the EU; Law of 21 May 2013 concerning the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgements and probation decisions with a view to the supervision of probation measures and alternative sanction imposed in a member state of the EU

BG   Bulgaria Implemented   1 sept. 2011 ---
CY   Cipru Implemented   22 nov. 2013 -

Ratification Law 134(I)/2013

HR   Croatia Implemented   1 iul. 2013 -

Act on Judicial Co-operation in Criminal  Matters with Member States' of the European Union, published in Official Gazette No 91/10, 81/13, 124/13.

DK   Danemarca Implemented   18 mai 2011 ---
EE   Estonia Implemented   1 ian. 2015 -

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, mainly to the Chapter 19

FI   Finlanda Implemented   28 mar. 2011 -

Amendments in 3 national laws, 23-25/2011

FR   Franta Implemented   -

Loi n° 2013-711 du 5 août 2013 portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation dans le domaine de la justice en application du droit de l'Union européenne et des engagements internationaux de la France

DE   Germania Implemented   25 iul. 2015 -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Acts of 17/07/2015, Federal Gazette Bundesgesetzblatt I 2015, 1332 - Gesetz zur Stärkung des Rechts des Angeklagten auf Vertretung in der Berufungsverhandlung und über die Anerkennung von Abwesenheitsentscheidungen in der Rechtshilfe, and Bundesgesetzblatt I 2015, 1349 - Gesetz zur Verbesserung der internationalen Rechtshilfe bei der Vollstreckung von freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen und bei der Überwachung von Bewährungsmaßnahmen sowie zur Änderung des Jugoslawien-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetzes und des Ruanda-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetzes

GR   Grecia Implemented   -

Law 4307/2014 partially implemented FD 2009/299/JHA. Specifically Article 5 and Article 6.

Law 4596/2019 implemented the amended EAW form

IE   Irlanda Implemented   -

Final transposition measures are included in the Criminal Justice Mutual Assistance (Amendment) Bill which is expected to be enacted later this year. Implemented according to MNE database.

IT   Italia Implemented   23 mar. 2016 -

Legislative Decree 15 february 2016, n. 31

LV   Letonia Implemented   4 sept. 2012 ---
LT   Lituania Implemented   ---
LU   Luxemburg Implemented   20 apr. 2015 -

Loi du 12 avril 2015 relative à l’application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle aux décisions de probation et aux peines de substitution et modifiant, en vue de favoriser l’application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle aux décisions rendues en l’absence de la personne concernée, 1) l’article 634 du Code d’instruction criminelle; 2) la loi du 23 février 2010 relative à l’application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle aux sanctions pécuniaires; 3) la loi modifiée du 17 mars 2004 relative au mandat d’arrêt européen. Publication Mém. A 74 du 17 avril 2015.

MT   Malta Implemented   -

Extradition (Designated Foreign Countries) Order, LN320 of 2004 amended by L.N. 213 of 2011

Financial Penalties (Execution in the European Union) Regulations (S.L 9.14) amended by LN 468 of 2010

Confiscation Orders (Execution in the European Union) Regulations (S.L 9.15- LN 464 of 2010) amended by LN 426 of 2012

Custodial Sentences or Measures Involving Deprivation of Liberty Orders (Execution in the European Union) Regulations, L.N. 55 of 2012;

The Probation Act – Cap 446 amended by Act XXIII of 2012.


NL   Olanda Implemented   13 oct. 2011 ---
PL   Polonia Implemented   14 nov. 2011 -

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, mainly in Chapter 65b

PT   Portugalia Implemented   ---
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
CZ   Republica Ceha Implemented   1 ian. 2014 -

Act No. 104/2013 Coll. of 20 March 2013 on International Judicial Cooperation inCriminal Matters

RO   România Implemented   26 dec. 2013 -

Law no. 300/2013 amending and completing Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

SK   Slovacia Implemented   -

1. Act no 154/2010 Coll. of 09/03/2010 on the European Arrest Warrant. Implemented on 01/09/2010.
2. Act no 344/2012 Coll. of 17/10/2012 that amending Acts no 154/2010 Coll, 549/2011 Coll and 221/2006 Coll. Implemented on 01/12/2012.
3. Act no 183/2011 Coll. of 01/06/2011 on mutual recognition and execution of financial penalties. Implemented on 01/08/2011.
4. Act no 533/2011 Coll. of 02/12/2011 on mutual recognition and execution of judgments not imposing custodial sentence and probation decisions with a view to the supervision of probation measures in the European Union. Implemented on 01/02/2012.
5. Act no 549/2011 Coll. of 02/12/2011 on mutual recognition and execution of judgments imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty in the European Union. Implemented on 01/02/2012

SI   Slovenia Implemented   ---
ES   Spania Implemented   11 dec. 2014

Notifications made by Spain in relation to various Framework Decisions. Decisions rendered in absentia. Competent Authorities. Pdf

Notification by Spain of the implementation of the Framework Decision on decisions rendered in absentia. 11/May/2015. Pdf

Spanish Law 23/2014, of 20 November of mutual recognition of criminal decisions in the European Union.

SE   Suedia Implemented   1 ian. 2014 ---
HU   Ungaria Implemented   ---
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