Pursuant to Norwegian law, specific provisions regarding mutual legal assistance in criminal matters follows from different relevant acts, i.e. the Criminal Procedure Act and the Extradition Act.
Incoming and outgoing requests concerning the service of judicial documents and the taking of evidence within the EU, are mainly to be forwarded directly between the judicial authorities. The Superior Prosecuting Authority is the competent judicial authority for receiving requests. For requests for serving of documents and requests for criminal records or other transcripts from the registers, the Prosecuting Authority at the Police Districts is authorized to issue and answer requests. The Prosecuting Authority at the Police Districts is also authorized to handle requests to/from the other Nordic countries.
Norway is part of the Schengen area and applies the Schengen Convention of 19 June 1990. From 1 January 2013 Norway is connected to the Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Protocol of 16 October 2001, in accordance with an agreement of 19 December 2003 between the EU Member States and Norway. Norway is also in the process of adopting the EAW.
The Ministry of Justice has an overall responsibility for the international co-operation in criminal matters. In cases where direct contact between prosecuting or judicial authorities does not apply, requests should be sent to the Ministry.
The Superior Prosecuting Authority: The Superior Prosecuting Authority is a collective term for the Director of Public Prosecutions and the10 regional prosecution offices, Økokrim and the National Authority for prosecution of Organised and other Serious Crime.
Norwegian National Authority for the Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime (Økokrim) is the central unit for combatting economic and environmental related crimes in Norway.
The National Authority for prosecution of Organised and other Serious Crime is responsible for dealing with serious organised crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity and organised crimes where the geographical location in Norway is unknown.
The Prosecuting Authority at the Police Districts: Norway is divided into 12 police districts. The Prosecution Authority is an integrated part of the Police. Each Police District has several Police Prosecutors, who all have University Law degrees. The Police Prosecutors prosecute criminal cases in the first instance courts and have authority concerning coercive measures such as ordering arrests, searches, etc.
Interpol: When immediate action is required, requests for mutual legal assistance in criminal matters can be sent through Interpol and directly to the judicial authorities in the requested state.