Organisation of the judicial system

District Courts of Appel have entered into operation on 20 July 2016.

Judicial cooperation

General description of the national system for international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Pursuant to the provisions set forth in the conventions on judicial cooperation and the national legislation, Ministry of Justice acts as the Central Authority in international judicial cooperation. This mission is conducted by the General Directorate of International Law and Foreign Relations on behalf of the Ministry of Justice.  With regard to judicial assistance requests coming from the foreign countries or the requests sent to them, Central Authority should be used as a mediator in all kind of correspondences to be made with Turkish judicial authorities and in giving information.

In terms of international legislation, judicial cooperation requests are conducted within the framework of bilateral and multi-lateral conventions to which Turkey stands as a party or according to the rules of international customary law and the principle of reciprocity in the absence of the former.

According to the Constitution, as the duly enforced international conventions are statutory, these documents adjudges directly in the domestic law. 

In terms of national legislation, the provisions related to the international judicial cooperation in criminal matters are prescribed in the Law on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters numbered 6706. In the law, the issues of mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, extradition, transfer of proceedings, enforcement of foreign judgments and  transfer of the sentenced persons are regulated.

Text in original language, English and/or other available languages of the relevant national laws/provisions of the Criminal procedure codes on judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Links to the relevant sections of the Council of Europe and United Nations Treaties Offices websites containing information on the conventions to which Turkey is party

Links to the relevant sections of the Council of Europe and United Nations Treaties Offices websites containing information on the conventions to which Turkey is party

Useful national links

Other useful information

Information on Contact Persons can be found at the Turkish page of the Cooperation with third countries and judicial networks section.