The European Network for Victims’ Rights (ENVR) is an informal network of policy officers working at the ministries of justice (or other relevant authorities). It was initiative of the Netherlands, leading the project together with a Support Group composed of Slovakia, France and Ireland, later joined by Hungary based on the Action Grant of the European Commission. It was established as a network by the Council conclusions on establishing an Informal European Network for Victims’ Rights adopted during the Netherlands´ presidency.
The ENVR was established with the clear aim to facilitate more active cooperation among Member States in the area of victims’ rights, in order to enhance access to justice by all victims of crimes.
Its role is to strengthen the rights of victims and to enhance the cooperation between the Member States in the area of victims´ rights. It is a network of government officials, instrumental in enabling standards of the relevant EU legislation to work in day to day practice. It means that it serves to the public authorities in order to exchange their best practices concerning the implementation of the EU legislation in the area of victims´ rights and cooperation in cross-border cases.
The difference of the ENVR from other networks is that it was created for competent public authorities implementing the relevant EU legislation in order to enable Member States to discuss topics leading to finding solutions and exchange best practices concerning the implementation of the EU legislation in the area of victims´ rights and cooperation in cross border cases.
The present ENVR has been operating for a two-year period by an action grant under the financing of the Justice Programme of the Commission and will be terminated in May 2017. As per Article D para 10 of the Council Conclusions dated 9 June 2016 on establishing an informal European Network on Victims’ Rights, the Member States, in consultation with the Commission, should evaluate its work and its organisation with a view to decide on the need of its continuation and/or on making it permanent.
In view of the latter, as of 1 January 2018, ENVR has been working in a permanent structure from an Operating Grant in the frame of the Justice Programme of the European Commission.
Members of the ENVR: For a list of the ENVR Members, please consult the Cooperation with third countries and judicial networks section (list available only to the EJN Contact Points).