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Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 19 Augusts 2021 by Eiropas Tiesiskās sadarbības tīkla Sekretariāts
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Valsts Entry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

AT   Austrija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

BE   Belgija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

BG   Bulgarija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

CZ   Cehija Implemented   1 Janv. 2012 -

Currently this problematic is covered mainly by the Criminal Code No. 40/2009 Coll. (entry into force on 1January 2010) and the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons No. 418/2011 Coll.(entry into force on 1 January 2012) 

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

DK   Danija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

FR   Francija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

GR   Griekija Implemented   23 Aug. 2005 -

Law 3386-2005

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

EE   Igaunija Planned   process ongoing --

Partial implementation. Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

IE   Irija   - --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

IT   Italija   - -

Partly implemented by Law No. 286 OF 25.7.1998

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

CY   Kipra   - --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

HR   Kroatia Implemented   1 Janv. 2014 -

Criminal code (Official Gazzette No 125/11), in force 01/01/2013;
Amendments of the Misdemeanour Act (Official Gazzette No 157/13), in force 01/01/2014.

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

LV   Latvija   - --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

LT   Lietuva Planned   process ongoing --

Partial implementation. Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

LU   Luksemburga Implemented   30 Dec. 2006 -

Loi du 21 décembre 2006 portant
1. transposition
– de la directive 2001/40/CE du Conseil du 28 mai 2001 relative à la reconnaissance mutuelle des
décisions d’éloignement des ressortissants de pays tiers;
– de la directive 2001/51/CE du Conseil du 28 juin 2001 visant à compléter les dispositions de
l’article 26 de la convention d’application de l’accord de Schengen du 14 juin 1985;
– de la directive 2002/90/CE du Conseil du 28 novembre 2002 définissant l’aide à l’entrée, au
transit et au séjour irréguliers;
– de la directive 2004/82/CE du Conseil du 29 avril 2004 concernant l’obligation pour les
transporteurs de communiquer les données relatives aux passagers;
2. modification de la loi modifiée du 28 mars 1972 concernant
1. l’entrée et le séjour des étrangers;
2. le contrôle médical des étrangers;
3. l’emploi de la main-d’oeuvre étrangère,  transpose la directive 2002/90/CE du Conseil de l’Union européenne du 28 novembre 2002 définissant l’aide à l’entrée, au transit et au séjour irréguliers.
Publication Mem. A 230 du 27 décembre 2006

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

MT   Malta Implemented   -

Implemented in 2002. Article 32, Immigration Act, Cap. 217.

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

NL   Niderlande Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

PL   Polija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

PT   Portugale Implemented   -

Law 23/2007 of 4 July

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

RO   Rumanija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

SK   Slovakija Implemented   1 Janv. 2006 -

Act no 300/2005 Coll. of 24/05/2005, Code of Criminal Procedure.

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

SI   Slovenija   - --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

FI   Somija Implemented   1 Aug. 2004 -

Amendments in 7 national laws, 650-656/2004. The law can be found through Finlex using the numbers (www.finlex.fi) which is a national legal database

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

ES   Spanija Implemented   --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

HU   Ungarija Implemented  

Special notification in accordance with Article 4 paragraph 3 of Framework Decision 2002/946/JHA of 28 November 2002 on the strengthening of the penal framework to prevent the facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence. Hungary.


Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

DE   Vacija Implemented   28 Aug. 2007 -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Act of 30 July 2004, Federal Gazette - Bundesgesetzblatt 2004 I, 1950 - Gesetz zur Steuerung und Begrenzung der Zuwanderung und zur Regelung des Aufenthalts und der Integration von Unionsbürgern und Ausländern (Zuwanderungsgesetz)

Act of 19/08/2007, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2007 I, 1970, Bundesgesetzblatt 2008 I, 992 - Gesetz zur Umsetzung aufenthalts- und asylrechtlicher Richtlinien der Europäischen Union

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

SE   Zviedrija Implemented   1 Okt. 2004 --

Report from the Commission on the implementation of this Framework Decision.

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