Tiesu bibliotēka
Status of implementation of

For the practical application of this Legal Instrument, check the EJN Practical tools for judicial cooperation
Last reviewed on 3 Jūlijs 2024 by Tools Correspondent
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Valsts Entry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
AT   Austrija   - ---
BE   Belgija   - ---
BG   Bulgarija   - ---
CZ   Cehija Implemented   24 Apr. 2019 -


 National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Implementation has been completed by Act No. 111/2019 Coll. This Act entered into effect on 24 April 2019.

DK   Danija   - ---
FR   Francija   - ---
GR   Griekija   - ---
EE   Igaunija   - ---
IE   Irija   - ---
IT   Italija   - ---
CY   Kipra   - ---
HR   Kroatia   - ---
LV   Latvija Implemented   -

Implemented in the national legislation with the amendments in the Aircraft Passenger Data Processing Law.


LT   Lietuva   - ---
LU   Luksemburga   - ---
MT   Malta   - ---
NL   Niderlande Implemented   5 Jūn. 2019

vkze335vlsw4.pdf (eerstekamer.nl)

PL   Polija   - ---
PT   Portugale Implemented   -

Law no. 21/2019, of 25 February, which regulates the transfer by air carriers of passenger name record data, as well as the processing of such data, and makes the third amendment to

Law no. 53/2008, of 29 August, which approves the Internal Security Law

RO   Rumanija   - ---
SK   Slovakija   - ---
SI   Slovenija   - ---
FI   Somija   - ---
ES   Spanija   - ---
HU   Ungarija   - ---
DE   Vacija Implemented   25 Maijs 2018

Notification under article 2.1 PNR Directive by Germany, 2018

Notification under article 4.5 PNR Directive by Germany, 2018

Notification under articles 7.3 and 9.3 PNR Directive by Germany, 2018

Notification under article 18 PNR Directive by Germany, 2018

Act of 6 June 2017 implementing Directive (EU) 2016/681

Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2017 I, 1484 – Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie (EU) 2016/681 vom 6. Juni 2017

Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the review of Directive 2016/681 on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime

SE   Zviedrija   - ---
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