16th EJN National Correspondents’ Meeting

The 16th EJN National Correspondents’ Meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN), under the Hungarian Presidency, took place at Eurojust premises on 2 October 2024. During this meeting, the extension of the current mandate of the elected members of the EJN Presidency Board was discussed and adopted unanimously. Furthermore it was agreed to amend the rules on membership of the Presidency Board so as to extend it by a further two elected members. The proposal to amend the Guidelines of the meetings of the EJN, relating to financing of plenary meetings, was also passed after debate. On the EJN Working Group on the Future of the EJN, more specifically on the topic Legislation, an update on the state of play was given. Presentations included updates on the 10th and 11th Round for Mutual Evaluations. Next to all these points on the agenda, the National Correspondents received an extensive update of the EJN Activities 2024 and planning for 2025/2026, and they provided the EJN Secretariat on their part with updates from their respective Member State in the area of judicial cooperation. Amongst other matters discussed, the participants were informed about the cooperation of the EJN with third countries, partners and other judicial networks.

The conclusions of the meeting will be published on the restricted area of the EJN website.