1. Judicial Library

The second generation of the EJN Judicial Library was launched in February 2018. The aim was to provide the users/practitioners with a much clearer interface.

The EJN Secretariat has initiated a full inventarisation of the Judicial Library, with the aim to assess the validity of the existing documents and to introduce a homogenous structure for all subsections, allowing the users/practitioners to easily navigate through the sections. The focus will be also on the clustering of the documents in order to provide more intuitive way of finding information.

This work continues in 2024.

2. Translation of the EJN website

Most parts of the website are available only in English. However some parts of informative and static nature were translated back to 2018 into all EU languages.

The following areas have been translated:

   - Website homepage 

   - Introduction to the EJN Website

   - About EJN 

   - EJN Secretariat 

   - EJN meetings: Description of respective type of meeting 

   - Start pages of each e-tool – Atlas, Compendium, Fiches Belges, Contact Points

The above listed areas are visible since beginning of April 2019 after the EJN website was deployed.

There are other areas to be considered for translation, namely:

   - The list of measures in the e-tools – subject to a revision of the list

   - Judicial Library - after completion of the planned improvement mentioned above under "Judicial Library"

3. EJN website and the e-Justice portal

The EJN Secretariat is working together with the Commission on the EJN pages in the new version of the e-Justice Portal – currently available as a test version (BETA version). The feedback from the EJN, e.g. about the visibility of the EJN in the e-Justice Portal is one important point that have been discussed.

This work continues in 2024.

4. Monitoring tool

The Monitoring tool will assist the EJN Tool Correspondents with their task of keeping the website up to date and will allow the EJN Secretariat to gain an overview of the content of the EJN website.

The Monitoring tool was finalised and made available to the Tool Correspondents in March 2019.

5. Update of EJN e-tools for the European Investigation Order (EIO)

The EJN Secretariat has created an area for the EIO on the homepage of the EJN website with links to all relevant information on the EIO, including the EJN e-tools (Atlas, Fiches Belges etc.).

In 2018 the EJN was involved in a European Commission project of creating an electronic version of the EIO forms, supplemented with text suggestions for requesting e-evidence (the “EIO editable pdf”). Within this project, “Guidelines on how to fill in the EIO form” have also been developed.

In 2021 the EIO editable pdf and Guidelines on how to fill in the EIO form were uploaded on the EJN website and are accessible at the following link:
