Status of implementation of
Last reviewed on 26 april 2023 by EJN Secretariaat
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Land | Entry into force | Country Notification | Related National legislation | Additional Information |
18 jun 2012
| | Law of 15 May 2012 concerning the application of the principle of mutual recognition to custodial sentences or measures imposed in a member state of the EU | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jan 2020
| - | Act on the Recognition, Enforcement and Sending of Judicial Acts for Imposing Penalties of Imprisonment or of Measures including Imprisonment | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
23 mei 2014
| | Law 67 2014 on the Procedure for the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments of the Member States of the European Union Imposing Custodial Sentences or Measures Involving Deprivation of Liberty | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
5 dec 2011
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
25 jul 2015
| Notification by Germany on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | Act of 17/07/2015, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt I 2015, 1349 - Gesetz zur Verbesserung der internationalen Rechtshilfe bei der Vollstreckung von freiheitsentziehenden Sanktionen und bei der Überwachung von Bewährungsmaßnahmen sowie zur Änderung des Jugoslawien-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetzes und des Ruanda-Strafgerichtshof-Gesetzes | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jan 2015
| Notification by Estonia on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, mainly to the Chapter 19. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
5 dec 2011
| Notification by Finland on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | 1169/2011 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
5 aug 2013
| Notification by France on the implementation of the FD on Transfer of prisoners | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
| Notification by Greece of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Custodial Sentences | Law 4307/14 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jan 2013
| Individual notification on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of Prisoners by Hungary
Implementation of the Council Framework on Transfer of prisoners. Notification of declarations made by Hungary | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
| - | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
5 dec 2011
| | Legislative Decree No 161 of 7 September 2010, published in the Official Gazette No 230 of 1 October 2010. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jul 2013
| | Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union of 14 July 2010 (came into force on Croatia’s accession to EU on 1 July 2013, Official Gazzette No.91/10, 81/13, 124/13) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jul 2012
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 apr 2015
| Law No XII-1322 of 13 November 2014 on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in criminal matters by Member States of the European Union. Revision of arts. 5 and 109 of the Penal Enforcement Code and arts. 1, 121, 342 and 365 of the Code of Criminal Procedure | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
5 dec 2011
| Transposition by Luxembourg of Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments | Loi du 28 février 2011 relative à la reconnaissance de jugements en matière pénale ayant prononcé des peines ou des mesures privatives de liberté aux fins de leur exécution dans un autre État membre de l’Union européenne. Publication Mem. A 44 du 8 mars 2011. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
3 feb 2012
| Notification by Malta on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | Custodial Sentences or Measures Involving Deprivation of Liberty Orders (Execution in the European Union) Regulations, L.N. 55 of 2012, S.L. 9.15, (Criminal Code Cap.9) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 nov 2012
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jan 2012
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 jan 2012
| Declaration by Poland concerning Article 28 of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | New Chapters added to the Criminal Procedure Code – 66f and 66g | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
17 dec 2015
| Notification by Portugal on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | Law 158/2015 of 17 September | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
26 dec 2013
| Notification of the implementation of the FD on Transfer of prisoners by Romania. Pdf | Law no. 300/2013 amending and completing Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters |
20 sep 2013
| | Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 feb 2012
Notification by the Slovak Republic regarding Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the European Union. Art 26 (4). Pdf | Act no 549/2011 Coll. of 02/12/2011 on mutual recognition and execution of judgments imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty in the European Union | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
11 dec 2014
| | Spanish Law 23/2014, of 20 November of mutual recognition of criminal decisions in the European Union. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
Tsjechische Republiek
1 jan 2014
| | Act No 104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
Third Country: United Kingdom
5 dec 2011
| Notification by United Kingdom on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Transfer of prisoners | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |
1 apr 2015
| | Act and Ordinance on the recognition and enforcement of custodial sentences within the European Union
Lag (2015:96) om erkännande och verkställighet av frihetsberövande påföljder inom Europeiska unionen [text in Swedish]
Förordning (2015:109) om erkännande och verkställighet av frihetsberövande påföljder inom Europeiska unionen [text in Swedish] | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat
Complementary information: Declarations under Article 7(4) -double criminality- and Article 28(2) -transitional provision- |