Status of implementation of
Last reviewed on 28 september 2023 by EJN Secretariaat
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Land | Entry into force | Country Notification | Related National legislation | Additional Information |
14 apr 2012
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Belgium | Law of 5 August 2006 on the application of the principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters between the member states of the European Union, as amended by the laws of 26 November 2011 and 19 March 2012 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
27 feb 2010
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
31 dec 2007
| - | Ratification Law No.179(I) of 2007 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 jan 2005
| - | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
28 okt 2010
| | Act of 18/10/2010, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2010 I, 1408 - Gesetz zur Umsetzung des Rahmenbeschlusses 2005/214/JI des Rates vom 24. Februar 2005 über die Anwendung des Grundsatzes der gegenseitigen Anerkennung von Geldstrafen und Geldbußen | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
28 jul 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Estonia | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
22 mrt 2007
| | 231/2007. The law can be found through Finlex using the numbers ( which is a national legal database | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
3 mei 2007
| - | Adoption of legislation 5/03/2007 and 03/05/2007 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
5 apr 2018
| Notification by Greece of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties | Law 4531/2018 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
12 apr 2007
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Hungary. 11 February 2009
Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Hungary. 24 February 2009
| - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
23 jan 2019
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Ireland. | Sections 24 and 34 (insofar as it was not already in operation) of the Criminal Justice (Mutual Assistance) (Amendment) Act 2015 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
27 mrt 2016
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Italy | Legislative Decree 15 february 2016, n. 37 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 jul 2013
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Croatia (2014)
Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Croatia (2021) | Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union of 14 July 2010 (came into force on Croatia’s accession to EU on 1 July 2013, Official Gazzette No 91/10, 81/13, 124/13) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
29 jul 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Latvia | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
5 mrt 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Lithuania. 16 October 2008
Revised information about the institutions which are competent under the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties in accordance with the national law of the Republic of Lithuania. 16 November 2012. Pdf
| - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat. Entry in force of legislation: 01/03/2008 and 05/03/2008 |
12 mrt 2010
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Luxembourg | Loi du 23 février 2010 relative à l’application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle aux sanctions pécuniaires. Publication Mem. A 31 du 9 mars 2010. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
16 okt 2009
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Malta | Financial Penalties (Execution in the European Union). Regulations - LN 268 of 2009, S.L. 9.14, (Criminal Code –Cap.9); The legislation entered into force on 06/11/2009 and started to apply to decisions issued after the 22/03/2007 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 dec 2007
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Netherlands. 2008
Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Netherlands. 2009 | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 jul 2007
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Austria. Competent authorities | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
12 dec 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Poland | New Chapters added to the Criminal Procedure Code – 66a and 66b | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 nov 2009
| Notification by Portugal on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
13 nov 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Romania. 2008
Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Romania. 2009
Competent authorities under art. 2 of FD on Financial Penalties. Romania | Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as amended and supplemented by Law no. 224/2006, Law no. 222/2008 and Law no. 300/2013 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
25 okt 2007
| Notification of New Act implementing Financial Penalties FD by Slovenia. Pdf | Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013 - In force on 20/09/2015 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 aug 2011
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Slovakia. Pdf
Delcaration by Slovak Republick, September 2023 | Act no 183/2011 Coll. of 01/06/2011 on mutual recognition and execution of financial penalties | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
24 dec 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Spain. 2009
Notifications made by Spain in relation to various Framework Decisions. Financial Penalties. Competent Authorities. 2015. Pdf
| Spanish Law 23/2014, of 20 November of mutual recognition of criminal decisions in the European Union. This law is in force from 11/12/2014 and withdraws Ley 1/2008 on Financial Penalties | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
Tsjechische Republiek
1 jan 2008
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Czech Republic. 3 June 2008
Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Czech Republic. 20 July 2010
| Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters – came into effect on 01/01/2014. Act No. 105/2013 Coll., amending further Acts in relation to adoption of the Act on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against Them | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
Third Country: United Kingdom
1 okt 2009
| | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 jan 2010
| Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Financial Penalties by Sweden | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |