Judicial Library
Status of implementation of

For the practical application of this Legal Instrument, check the EJN Practical tools for judicial cooperation
Last reviewed on 28 listopad 2022 by EJN Tajništvo
 Export section
CountryEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
AT   Austrija Implemented   1 ruj 2021 -

Federal Law on Fight against Terrorism - see Federal Law Gazette I No. 159/2021

BE   Belgija   - ---
BG   Bugarska   - ---
CZ   Ceška Republika Implemented   1 lis 2020 -

National Implementing Measures provided to the European Commission

Implementation has already been carried out by Act No. 333/2020 Coll. by amending the Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code.


CY   Cipar   - ---
DK   Danska   - ---
EE   Estonija   - ---
FI   Finska   - ---
FR   Francuska   - ---
GR   Grcka   - ---
HR   Hrvatska   - ---
IE   Irska   - ---
IT   Italija   - ---
LV   Latvija Implemented   -

Implemented into national legislation with the amendments in the Criminal Law of 06.06.2019.



LT   Litva   - ---
LU   Luksemburg   - ---
HU   Madarska   - ---
MT   Malta   - ---
NL   Nizozemska   - ---
DE   Njemacka   - ---
PL   Poljska   - ---
PT   Portugal Implemented   -

Law no. 58/2020, of 31 August (amending several laws)

RO   Rumunjska   - ---
SK   Slovacka   - ---
SI   Slovenija   - ---
ES   Španjolska   - ---
SE   Švedska   - ---
UK   Third Country: United Kingdom   - ---
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