Status of implementation of
Last reviewed on 11 juillet 2023 by Secrétariat du RJE
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Pays | Entry into force | Country Notification | Related National legislation | Additional Information |
15 mars 2012
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Germany | No implementing legislation necessary, see notification. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 août 2013
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Austria. (Competent authorities and languages) | Articles 59a to 59c of the Federal Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Cases with the Member States of the European Union | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
27 mars 2013
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Belgium. (Competent authorities and languages) | Common directives of the Minister of Justice and the College of Prosecutor Generals of 27 March 2013 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
5 nov. 2017
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Bulgaria | Penal procedure code – Official publication: State Gazette /Държавен вестник/; Number: 67; Publication date: 2017-08-04 | - |
| Declaration on the basis of art. 14 of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction. PDF
Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Cyprus | Transposed with a decision of the Council of Ministers on 25.07.2012 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 juil. 2013
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Croatia
Notification by the Republic of Croatia on the implementation of Framework Decision on EAW and Framework Decision on Conflicts of Jurisdiction. 2015. Pdf | Amendments of the Act on the State Attorney's Office (Official Gazzette No 72/13) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Denmark. Competent authorities and languages | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
9 juil. 2015
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Spain
Additional notifications on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Spain | Ley 16/2015, de 7 de julio, por la que se regula el estatuto del miembro nacional de España en Eurojust, los conflictos de jurisdicción, las redes judiciales de cooperación internacional y el personal dependiente del Ministerio de Justicia en el Exterior | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 janv. 2015
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Estonia | Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, mainly to the Chapter 19 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
19 juin 2012
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Finland | 295/2012 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 oct. 2015
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by France | Loi n° 2015-993 du 17 août 2015 portant adaptation de la procédure pénale au droit de l'Union européenne | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| - | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| Individual notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Hungary
Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Hungary | Hungarian Act no CLXXX of 2012 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Ireland | No transposition measures are necessary as Ireland is already compliant with this measure | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
22 mars 2016
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Italy | Legislative Decree 15 february 2016, n. 29 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 juil. 2012
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Latvia. | Law of 24 May 2012 Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 déc. 2014
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Lithuania. | Law adding Article 681 to the Code of Criminal procedure of the Republic of Lithuania and amending the annex to the Code | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
process ongoing
| - | Projet de loi en cours d'élaboration | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
25 avr. 2014
| - | Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts of Exercise of Jurisdiction in Criminal Proceedings Regulations - S.L. 9.20 (Criminal Code – Cap 9) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
15 juin 2012
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by the Netherlands | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 déc. 2012
| Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decisions 2009/948/JHA and 2009/829/JHA by Poland | Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, in chapter 63 (art. 592a-592f) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| - | Law 144/99 of 31 August | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
République Tchèque
1 janv. 2014
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by by Czech Republic | Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (in consolidated version) | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Romania. Pdf | Law no. 300/2013 amending and completing Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
Third Country: United Kingdom
| - | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 août 2013
| Individual notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Slovakia
Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Slovakia
Notification on the implementation of the Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Slovakia. Competent Authorities. Pdf
Declaration by the Slovak Republic regarding Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings. Art. 14 (1). Pdf
Notification by Slovakia on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Conflicts of Jurisdiction. Accepted languages. Czech. Pdf | Act no 301/2005 Coll. of 24/05/2005,
Code of Criminal Procedure as amended by the Act no 204/2013 Coll. | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
20 sept. 2013
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Slovenia. Transposition and competent authorities. Pdf | Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013 | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |
1 févr. 2015
| Notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on conflicts of jurisdiction by Sweden. Transposition and competent authorities. Pdf | - | Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat |