The 2024 Tool Correspondents Training on the back office of the EJN Website took place on 3 and 4 December.
This hands-on training provided a step-by-step guidance from the web team, the EJN website consultants and the EJN Secretariat with the aim to update the Atlas, Compendium, Fiches Belges, information about the respective national system and the Contact point tools. The participants also gained more insights on the new Reporting Tool.
For newly appointed EJN Tool Correspondents a one-to-one training was organised to provide these newcomers with the basic knowledge of the back office and the EJN website and to be able to follow the more advanced training on the e-tools the following day.
The practical and informational value of the EJN website is widely known among practitioners in the European Union and far beyond. The contribution of the Tool Correspondents is essential for keeping the content of the website for each of their Member State reliable and up-to-date.