Juridische Bilbliotheek
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Expand (GLF) Judicial Cooperation Legal instruments (adopted by the EU)(GLF) Judicial Cooperation Legal instruments (adopted by the EU)
Expand (GLF) Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings Legal Instruments (adopted by the EU)(GLF) Procedural Rights in Criminal Proceedings Legal Instruments (adopted by the EU)
Expand (GLF) Specific Areas of Crime Legal Instruments (adopted by the EU)(GLF) Specific Areas of Crime Legal Instruments (adopted by the EU)
Expand Door de Europese Unie aangenomen rechtsinstrumentenDoor de Europese Unie aangenomen rechtsinstrumenten
Expand (GLF) Police Cooperation Legal Instruments(GLF) Police Cooperation Legal Instruments
Door de Raad van Europa aangenomen rechtsinstrumenten
Door de Verenigde Naties aangenomen rechtsinstrumenten
Verordening (EU) 2018/1805 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 14 november 2018 inzake de wederzijdse erkenning van bevriezingsbevelen en confiscatiebevelen

Freezing and Confiscation Orders - Declarations and Notifications

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Last reviewed on 27 mei 2024 by EJN Secretariaat
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