Bibliothèque judiciaire
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 17 novembre 2022 by Secrétariat du RJE
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PaysEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
DE   Allemagne Implemented   8 août 2005 -

Act of 22/7/2005, Federal Gazette 2005 I, 2189 – Gesetz zur Umsetzung des Übereinkommens vom 29. Mai 2000 über die Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union

Act of 6/6/2008, Federal Gazette 2008 I, 995 – Gesetz zur Umsetzung des Rahmenbeschlusses des Rates vom 22. Juli 2003 über die Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen über die Sicherstellung von Vermögensgegenständen oder Beweismitteln in der Europäischen Union, cf. section 93 (former section 83k) of the Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters (IRG)

AT   Autriche Implemented   ---
BE   Belgique Implemented   -

Articles 8- 12 de la loi sur la transmission policière internationale de données à caractère personnel et d’informations à finalité judiciaire, l'entraide judiciaire internationale en matière pénale et modifiant l'article 90ter du C.I.C

BG   Bulgarie Implemented   ---
CY   Chypre Implemented   11 déc. 2004 -

Ratification Law No.244(I)/2004

HR   Croatie Implemented   15 déc. 2013 -

Amendments of the Act on the State Attorney's Office (Official Gazzette No 72/13), in force 01/07/2013;

Criminal Procedure Act  (Official Gazzette No 152/08, 76/09, 80/11, 121/11, 91/12, 143/12, 56/13, 145/13, 152/14), in force 01/01/2013;

Amendments of the Law on the Office for the Supression of Corruption and Organized Crime (Official Gazzette No 148/13), in force 15/12/2013

DK   Danemark Implemented   1 janv. 2003 ---
ES   Espagne Implemented   -

Ley 11/2003 on Joint Investigation Teams

EE   Estonie Implemented   ---
FI   Finlande Implemented   1 janv. 2003 -

2002/1313, last amendment 15 March 2014/304. The law can be found through Finlex using the numbers ( which is a national legal database

FR   France Implemented   ---
GR   Grèce Implemented   28 mai 2008 -

Law 3663-2008

Article 62 of Law 4249/2014, replaced article 13 of Law 3663/2008

Law 4249/2014 (Link to Greek version)

HU   Hongrie Implemented   ---
IE   Irlande Implemented   -

Criminal Justice (Joint Investigation Teams) Act 2004

IT   Italie Implemented   25 mars 2016

Notification by Italy on the implementation of Framework Decision 2002/465/JHA on joint investigation teams

Legislative Decree 15 february 2016, n. 34

LV   Lettonie Implemented   1 janv. 2003 ---
LT   Lituanie Implemented   ---
LU   Luxembourg Implemented   3 avr. 2006 -

Loi du 21 mars 2006 sur les équipes communes d’enquête. Publication Mem. A n° 57 du 31 mars 2006

MT   Malta Implemented   29 mai 2012 -

Joint Investigation Teams (EU Member States) Regulations. S.L. 9.18, Criminal Code Cap.9

NL   Pays-Bas Implemented   ---
PL   Pologne Implemented   1 mai 2004 -

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, in chapter 62 (art. 589b-589f)

PT   Portugal Implemented   -

Law 144/99 of 31 August

CZ   République Tchèque Implemented   -

Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal MattersAct No. 82/1998 Coll., on Liability for damage incurred within the state administration or due to the incorrect administrative procedure Act No. 40/2009 Coll.,Criminal Code (in consolidated version)

RO   Roumanie Implemented   -

Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as amended and supplemented by Law no. 224/2006, Law no. 222/2008 and Law no. 300/2013

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   ---
SK   Slovaquie Implemented   1 janv. 2006 -

Act no 301/2005 Coll. of 24/05/2005, Code of Criminal Procedure.

SI   Slovenie Implemented   20 sept. 2013 -

Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013

SE   Suède Implemented   1 janv. 2004 ---
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