Bibliothèque judiciaire
Status of implementation of

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Last reviewed on 28 septembre 2023 by Secrétariat du RJE
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PaysEntry into forceCountry NotificationRelated National legislationAdditional Information
DE   Allemagne Implemented   23 juil. 2015

Notification and implementation by Germany of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures

Act of 16/07/2015, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt I 2015, 1197 - Drittes Gesetz zur Änderung des Gesetzes über die internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen 

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

AT   Autriche Implemented   1 août 2013

Implementation by Austria; Austria's competent authorities and declarations. Supervision Measures


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

BE   Belgique Implemented   29 mai 2017

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Belgium

Law of 23 March 2017

BG   Bulgarie Implemented   27 mai 2016

Notification made by the Republic of Bulgaria on the Transposition of Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA on Supervision measures


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

CY   Chypre Implemented   18 nov. 2016

Notification by Cyprus of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures

Law No 121(I)/2016.

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

HR   Croatie Implemented   1 juil. 2013

Notification by Croatia of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures

Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union of 14 July 2010 (came into force on Croatia’s accession to EU on 1 July 2013, Official Gazzette No.91/10, 81/13, 124/13)

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

DK   Danemark Implemented   1 déc. 2012

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision 2009/829/JHA by Denmark.


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

ES   Espagne Implemented   11 déc. 2014

Notifications made by Spain in relation to various Framework Decisions. Supervision Measures. Competent Authorities. Pdf

Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Spain. 2015. Pdf

Spanish Law 23/2014, of 20 November of mutual recognition of criminal decisions in the European Union.

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

EE   Estonie Implemented   1 avr. 2015 -

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

FI   Finlande Implemented   1 déc. 2012


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

FR   France Implemented   1 oct. 2015

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by France

Loi n° 2015-993 du 17 août 2015 portant adaptation de la procédure pénale au droit de l'Union européenne

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

GR   Grèce Implemented  

Notification by Greece of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures

Law 4307/14

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

HU   Hongrie Implemented   1 janv. 2013

Individual notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Hungary

Implementation of the Council Framework on Supervision Measures. Notification of declarations made by Hungary


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

IE   Irlande Implemented   5 févr. 2021

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Ireland

Criminal Justice Act 2020.

IT   Italie Implemented   26 mars 2016

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Italy

Legislative Decree 15 february 2016, n. 36

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

LV   Lettonie Implemented   1 juil. 2012

Notification of the implementation of the Supervision Measures FD by Latvia

Compentent authorities and languages on Custodial Sentences, Probation Decisions and Supervision Measures. Latvia


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

LT   Lituanie Implemented   1 avr. 2015

Notification of the transposition of Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA by Lithuania. February 2015.

Notification of the implementation of the Council Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Lithuania.

Notification of the transposition of Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA by Lithuania. October 2015.

Law No XII-1322 of 13 November 2014 on the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in criminal matters by Member States of the European Union. Revision of arts. 5 and 109 of the Penal Enforcement Code and arts. 1, 121, 342 and 365 of the Code of Criminal Procedure

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

LU   Luxembourg Implemented   8 juil. 2016

Loi du 5 juillet 2016 relative à l’application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle aux décisions relatives à des mesures de contrôle en tant qu’alternative à la détention provisoire et portant modification du Code pénal

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

MT   Malta Implemented   16 août 2013 -

Decisions on Supervision Measures (Execution in the European Union) Regulations, S.L. 9.19 (Criminal Code – Cap 9)

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

NL   Pays-Bas Implemented   1 nov. 2013

Notification of the implementation of the Supervision Measures FD by Netherlands


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

PL   Pologne Implemented   1 déc. 2012

Notification of the Framework Decisions on Prevention and on Supervision Measures Poland (30/11/12). Pdf

Notification of the implementation of Poland (replacement of the notification of 30/11/12)

New Chapters added to the Criminal Procedure Code – 65c and 65d

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

PT   Portugal Implemented  

Notification by Portugal on the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures

Law 36/2015 of 4 May

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

CZ   République Tchèque Implemented   1 janv. 2014

Notification of the implementation of the Supervision Measures FD by Czech Republic

Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (in consolidated version)

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

RO   Roumanie Implemented   26 déc. 2013

Notification of the implementation of the FD on Supervision Measures by Romania.

Law no. 300/2013 amending and completing Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented  

Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by United Kingdom. Competent authorities and languages. Pdf


Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

SK   Slovaquie Implemented   1 juil. 2013

Individual notification on the implementation of Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Slovakia

Notification of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures Slovakia. pdf

Notification of competent authorities on Supervision Measures FD by Slovakia

Declarations by the Slovak Republic, 21 September 2023

Act no 161/2013 Coll. of 22/05/2013 on transfer, mutual recognition and execution of decisions on supervision measures as an alternative to provisional detention in the European Union

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

SI   Slovenie Implemented   20 sept. 2013

Notification of the implementation of the Supervision Measures FD by Slovenia. Pdf

Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

SE   Suède Implemented   1 août 2015

Notification of the implementation of the Framework Decision on Supervision Measures by Sweden. Competent authorities and languages

Act and the Decree on the recognition and monitoring of decisions on supervision measures within the European Union, and certain consequential amendments to other acts and decrees.

Complementary information provided by the Council Secretariat

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