Status of implementation of
Last reviewed on 20 octobre 2022 by Secrétariat du RJE
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Pays | Entry into force | Country Notification | Related National legislation | Additional Information |
27 avr. 2012
| Notification on implementation of Framework Decision on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from criminal record between Member States | Act of 15/12/2011, Federal Gazette - Bundesgesetzblatt I 2011, 2714 - Gesetz zur Verbesserung des Austauschs von strafregisterrechtlichen Daten zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union und zur Änderung registerrechtlicher Vorschriften | - |
| Designation of the Central Competent Authority for the ECRIS FD by Austria | - | - |
24 mai 2014
| Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Belgium. Pdf | Articles 589 to 597 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by the law of 25 April 2014 (Belgian Official Gazette on 14 May 2014) | - |
| - | - | - |
8 oct. 2010
| - | Transposed with a decision of the Council of Ministers on 08.10.2010. | - |
1 juil. 2013
| - | Law on Legal Consequences of Conviction, Rehabilitation and Criminal Records (Official Gazette 143/12) | - |
process ongoing
| - | - | Following EUR-lex, Denmark has not yet transposed the respective FD. |
| - | Ley Orgánica 7/2014, de 12 de noviembre, sobre intercambio de información de antecedentes penales y consideración de resoluciones judiciales penales en la Unión Europea | - |
27 avr. 2012
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15 mai 2012
| - | 214/2012 | - |
| - | Loi n°2012-409 du 27 mars 2012 de programmation relative à l’exécution des peines et le Décret n° 2014-1422 du 28 novembre 2014 relatif au casier judiciaire national automatisé et aux échanges d'informations entre Etats membres de l'Union européenne | - |
29 janv. 2016
| - | Law 4360 | - |
| Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Hungary | - | - |
| Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS Framework Decision by Ireland | Transposition measures are included in the Criminal Records Information System Bil. | - |
4 juin 2016
| - | Decreto Legislativo of 12 May 2016, n. 74 | - |
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1 août 2013
| - | Loi du 29 mars 2013 relative à l’organisation du casier judiciaire et aux échanges d’informations extraites du casier judiciaire entre les Etats membres de l’Union européenne. Publication Mem. A 85 du 5 mai 2013 | - |
29 avr. 2016
| - | Subsidiary Legislation 77.01: ‘Organisation and Content of the Exchange of Information from the Criminal Record between Malta and Other States Regulations’ | - |
27 déc. 2012
| - | Article 32 and next of the “Besluit justitiële en strafvorderlijke gegevens” | - |
1 janv. 2012
| - | Amendment to the art. 12 Law on National Criminal Register | - |
| - | Law 37/2015 of 5 May | - |
République Tchèque
| - | Act No. 269/1994 Coll., on Criminal Register (in consolidated version), Act No. 141/1961 Coll., the Criminal Proceedings Code (in consolidated version), Act No. 40/2009 Coll., the Criminal Code (in consolidated version), Act No.104/2013 Coll., on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters and further Laws | - |
10 déc. 2016
| - | Law no. 247/2016, published in the Official Journal no. 983 of 7 December 2016
| - |
Third Country: United Kingdom
| - | - | - |
1 janv. 2008
| - | Act no 330/2007 Coll. of 20/06/2007 on Criminal Record | - |
20 sept. 2013
| Notification on the implementation of the ECRIS FD by Slovenia. Pdf | Act on International Co-operation in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on 23rd May 2013 | - |
1 janv. 2013
| - | - | - |