Awareness Policy

The EJN Contact Points acknowledge that - although the EJN after almost 20 years of its existence is very well established as a key player in the area of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters - there is a permanent need for making awareness about the role of the EJN and its activities. At the 38th Regular meeting of the European Judicial Network (EJN), held in The Hague on 22 February 2017, the EJN Contact Points agreed on a Policy on how to raise awareness of the role and activities of the EJN. The agreed policy identifies a role for both the EJN Contact Points and EJN Secretariat with regard to raising awareness and as such includes a set of measures to be taken to achieve this. The measures to be taken by the EJN Contact Points relate to general activities, meetings and seminars, trainings, EJN website and reporting.

Read further on EJN Awareness page.

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