Plenary meetings in The Hague - Regular meeting

Once a year (February or March), the plenary meeting is held at the premises of Eurojust in The Hague, the so called Regular meeting. Two EJN Contact Points are invited to the Regular meeting.

The Regular meeting has a different objective and role in comparison to the other two plenary meetings organised in the Member States. The Regular meetings are devoted to practical and organisational matters of the EJN or new initiatives on judicial cooperation. Its’ particular content is decided by the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council in close cooperation with the EJN Secretariat, the Council Secretariat and the European Commission. The Regular meeting is normally restricted to the EJN Contact Points only, but depending on the topic, other participants can be invited.

For participation/ budgetary ceilings per meeting per Member State, please consult the Guidelines on the EJN meetings.

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