Appointment of Contact Points

The EJN Contact Points are appointed by each Member State among Central authorities in charge of international judicial co-operation, judicial authorities and other competent authorities with specific responsibilities in the field of international judicial co-operation, both in general and for certain forms of serious crime, such as organized crime, corruption, drug trafficking or terrorism.

The appointment of Contact Points takes place according to the constitutional rules, legal traditions and internal structure of each country. The only condition is that it provides effective coverage for all forms of crimes throughout the country. The result is the existence of more than 400 national Contact Points throughout the 28 Member States.

Among the Contact Points, each Member State shall designate a National Correspondent. A Tool Correspondent shall also be appointed by each Member State, to deal with the matters related to the electronic tools of the EJN.

The EJN has adopted a set of recommended criteria in order to guide the Member States to help to decide who is in the best position to be nominated as an EJN Contact Point.

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