Functions of the TCs

The tool correspondent, who may also be a contact point with tasks as referred to under "Contact Points", shall ensure that the information on the EJN website related to his Member State and is provided and updated. The Tools Correspondent is in close contact with the EJN Secretariat to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.

The activities include the management of the list of Contact Points, updating the Judicial Atlas, the Fiches Belges pages and the page dedicated to Information on the National Judicial System of the Member State. These tasks can be performed by the Tools Correspondent independently, if needed with assistance from the EJN Webmaster.

The Tools Correspondent may also assist the National Correspondent in informing the EJN Secretariat about changes in national legislation with regard of international judicial cooperation in order to have the Status of implementation in the Member States of EU legal instruments.up to date.

Once a year the Tools Correspondents meeting is organised at the Eurojust premises in The Hague, see below for more about these meetings here

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