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Last reviewed on 10 July 2024 by EJN Secretariat
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AT   Austria Implemented   1 May 2004

Federal law on judicial cooperation in criminal matters with the Member States of the European Union (EU-JZG) (National Council: GP XXII RV 370 AB 439, page 56. -Federal Council: 7002 AB 7033, page 707.) Original version: Federal Law Gazette I No. 36/2004 Amendments: As amended by the following laws: Federal Law Gazette I No. 164/2004; Federal Law Gazette I No. 38/2007; Federal Law Gazette I No. 112/2007; Federal Law Gazette I No. 134/2011; Federal Law Gazette; Federal law Gazette I No 175/2013

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

BE   Belgium Implemented   19 Dec 2003

Notification under arts. 6.3, 25.2 of EAW by Belgium

Law on the European Arrest Warrant dated 19/12/2003 - Published on the 22/12/2003, Moniteur belge, 2nd ed.

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

BG   Bulgaria Implemented   1 Jan 2007

Law on Extradition and European Arrest Warrant/LEEAW SG 46/3 of 04.07.2005 as amended by SG 25/6 June 2008

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

HR   Croatia Implemented   1 Jul 2013

Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union of 14 July 2010 (came into force on Croatia's accession to EU on 1 July 2013) as amended by the act on the Amendments to the Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union passed on 28 June 2013 and coming into force on 1 July 2013 as amended by the act on the Amendment to the Act on Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with Member States of the European Union passed on 10 October 2013 and coming into force on 1 January 2014

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

CY   Cyprus Implemented   28 Jul 2006

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.2, 8.2 and 25.2 of EAW by Cyprus

No 133(l) of 2004 Law to provide for the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures of requested persons between Member States of the European Union of 2004.

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

CZ   Czech Republic Implemented   1 Jan 2014

Act No. 104/2013 Coll. of 20 March 2013 on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters - came into effect from 1 January 2014.

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

DK   Denmark Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification by Denmark on the implementation of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant. 2020

Law No 833 of 25 August 2005 on Extradition (amended by Law No 538 of 08/06/2006 § 11; law No 542 of 08/06/2006 § § 6 and 7; Law No 394 of 30/04/2007 § 1; Law No 347 of 14/05/2008; Law No 99 of 10/02/2009 § 2; Law No 494 of 12/05/2010 § 2; Law No 271 of 04/04/2011 § 2; Law No 428 of 01/05/2013 § 3) - Law No 394 of 30 April 2007 amending the Law no 833 of 25 August 2005 on Extradition and various other Acts and repeal of the Act on Extradition of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - Law No 555 of 25 May 2011 Act on cooperation with Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden concerning the enforcement of sentences, etc., amending article § 2 I of law no 394 of 30 April 2007

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

EE   Estonia Implemented   1 Jul 2004

Division 8 of Chapter 19 of the Estonian Criminal Procedure Code, adopted by Riigikogu (Parliament) on 28 June 2004 (RT I 2004, 54, 387). Amendments adopted by Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) on April 16, 2008 coming into force from May 23, 2008.

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

FI   Finland Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification under articles 6.3, 7.2, 8.2 et 25.2 EAW by Finland

1286/2003, last amendment 17.10.2014/824. The law can be found through Finlex using the numbers (www.finlex.fi) which is a national legal database

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

FR   France Implemented   9 Mar 2004

Notification under articles 6.3, 7 and 25.2 EAW by France

Loi n° 2004-204 du 9 mars 2004; Deadline for submission of the EAW following the provisional arrest: 6 days. Accepted language: French

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

DE   Germany Implemented   2 Aug 2006

See Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters (IRG), Part VIII - "Assistance to Member States of the European Union in extradition and transit matters" - of the Law on International Assistance in Criminal Matters as inserted by Law of 20 July 2006.

Act of 20/07/2006, Federal Gazette – Bundesgesetzblatt 2006 I, 1721 - Gesetz zur Umsetzung des Rahmenbeschlusses über den Europäischen Haftbefehl und die Übergabeverfahren zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (Europäisches Haftbefehlsgesetz – EuHbG)

See also Council Framework Decision 2009/299/JHA of 26 February 2009 amending Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA, 2005/214/JHA, 2006/783/JHA, 2008/909/JHA and 2008/947/JHA, thereby enhancing the procedural rights of persons and fostering the application of the principle of mutual recognition to decisions rendered in the absence of the person concerned at the trial

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

GR   Greece Implemented   9 Jul 2004

Law 3251/2004 European Arrest Warrant, amendment to Law 2928/2001 on criminal organisations and other provisions. Official Gazette FEK A-127, of 9 July 2004

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

HU   Hungary Implemented   1 May 2004

Act No CLXXX of 2012 on cooperation in criminal matters with the Member States of the European Union of 30 November 2012 (published in HU Official Journal/Magyar Közlöny, No 160/2012 page 26718)

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

IE   Ireland Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification under articles 6.3, 7.2, 8.2 and 25.2 EAW by Ireland

European Arrest Warrant Act 2003 as amended by the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005, the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 and the European Arrest Warrant (application to third countries and amendment) Act 2012

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

IT   Italy Implemented   14 May 2005

Implementation of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant by Italy. 2005

Law No 69 of 22 April 2005 setting out the provisions adapting domestic law to the Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States (2002/584/JHA), published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale No 98 of 29 April 2005 and entered into force on 14 May 2005

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

LV   Latvia Implemented   21 Oct 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.2 and 25.2 EAW by Latvia

Revised notification by Latvia in application of Article 6.3 of Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant. 2020

Division fourteen -"Extradition", part C "International Cooperation in criminal matters" of the Criminal Procedure Law ("the CPL") chapters 65- "Extradition of a person to Latvia" and 66 - "Extradition of a person to a foreign State" promulgated on 21 April 2005 and entered into force on 1 October 2005. Amended on 29 July 2008, 1 and 9 July 2009 and 21 October 2010.

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

LT   Lithuania Implemented   1 May 2004

Notification of competent authorities. Art.6 EAW FD by Lithuania. 2008

Notification under art. 8.2 and 25.2 of EAW FD by Lithuania

Notification of competent authorities. Art.6 EAW FD by Lithuania. 2014

Criminal Code: (Zin., 2000, No. 89-2741) amended by Law No X-1236 of 28 June 2008

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

LU   Luxembourg Implemented   20 Mar 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 8.2 and 25.2 EAW by Luxembourg

Law of 17 March 2004 on the European Arrest Warrant and surrender procedures between Member States of the European Union as amended by Law of 3 August 2011. Publication Mem. A n° 39 du 22 mars 2004

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

MT   Malta Implemented   7 Jun 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.1, 7.2 and 25.2 EAW by Malta

Extradition (Designated Foreign Countries) Order of 7 June 2004, S.L. 276.05 (Extradition Act-Cap.276)

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

NL   Netherlands Implemented   12 May 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 8.2 and 25.2 EAW by Netherlands

Notification under arts. 6.3 of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant by Netherlands. 2019

Act of 29 April 2004 implementing the Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between the Member States of the European Union (the Surrender Act)

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

PL   Poland Implemented   7 Nov 2006

Notification under art. 6.3 EAW by Poland

Notification under arts. 7.1, 7.2 and 25.2 EAW by Poland


Code of Criminal Procedure Chapters 65a and 65b amended on 5 November 2009

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

PT   Portugal Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.2 and 25.2 EAW by Portugal

Law no. 65/2003 of 23 August Approves the legal regime of the European Arrest Warrant (giving effect to the council framework decision no. 2002/584/JHA of 13 June) - Penal code, amended September 2007

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

RO   Romania Implemented   1 Jan 2007

Revised notification under on the implementation of the Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant by Romania

Law no. 302/2004 on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as amended and supplemented by Law no. 224/2006, Law no. 222/2008 and Law no. 300/2013

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

SK   Slovakia Implemented   1 Sep 2010

Statements under arts. 6.3, 7.2 and 25.2 EAW by Slovakia

Act no 154/2010 Coll. of 09/03/2010 on the European Arrest Warrant

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

SI   Slovenia Implemented   25 Oct 2007

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.2, 8.2 and 25.2 EAW by Slovenia

The Cooperation in Criminal Matters with the Member States of the European Union Act (ZSKZDCEU-1) passed by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia at its session of 23 May 2013. No 003-02-5/2013-11

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

ES   Spain Implemented   14 Mar 2003

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.1 and 25.2 EAW by Spain

Notifications made by Spain in relation to various Framework Decisions. EAW. Competent Authorities. 2015. Pdf

Notification made by Spain in relation to Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European Arrest Warrant and the surrender procedures between Member States. 2015. Pdf

Code of Criminal Procedure - Spanish Law 23/2014, of 20 November of mutual recognition of criminal decisions in the European Union, new law in force 11/12/14

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

SE   Sweden Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 8.2, 13.4, 25.2 and 28.1 EAW by Sweden

Notification of the Nordic Arrest Warrant (Art. 31.2 EAW).PDF

Notification made by Sweden on the competent authority concerning Article 6(1) EAW

Act (2003:1156) on surrender from Sweden according to the European Arrest Warrant as amended by Act (2006:348) - Ordinance (2003:1179) on surrender from Sweden according to the European Arrest Warrant - Ordinance (2003:1178) on surrender to Sweden according to the European Arrest Warrant

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

UK   Third Country: United Kingdom Implemented   1 Jan 2004

Notification under arts. 6.3, 7.2 and 25.2 EAW by United Kingdom

The Extradition Act 2003 as amended by the Police and Justice Act 2006

Implementation of Framework Decision on EAW by Member States. April 2020

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